Sunday 9 March 2014

Soil results for soil experiment(Science)

Title: How different types of soil affect the volume of water that pass through it
Introduction: Different types of soil have different size of soil particles
The Aim: To find out if the type of soil affects the amount of water collected in the beaker after 2 minutes
Experimental Design:

1. Set up the 3 experiment as the above design, 1 with top soil, 1 with clay and the other with sand
2. Collect 3 measuring cylinder and measure 150ml of water in each of them
3. Pour all 3 measuring cylinders of water into the 3 experiments at the same time. Start the stopwatch when you started pouring the water into the experiments
4.after 30 seconds , stop the stopwatch and take out the beaker from the experiment.
5, Measure and write down the amount of water collected in the beaker for the 3 experiments
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 another time and find the average between the first and the second time to make sure the results are reliable

The results:

Analysis and Discussion of Results:
The sand allows the most amount of water to pass through. Why? There is the most air holes in the sand. What does this show you? The particles of sand is the largest, so when the particles are bigger, there is a larger empty space which is taken by air. When water is poured, the water pushes the air out and creates a way for the water to pass through

Task 1:Clay is the best soil to be used in sand bags to build the levee. As we want least water to pass through. From the experiment, clay allows the least amount of water to pass through that is why it is the best soil to be used in the sand bag to build a levee

Task 2: Section B should be the place to build the levee first. As the soil there is clay, it allows the least volume of water to sip into the ground to absorb water while the top soil and sand allows more water to sip into the ground. So when water comes in,more water can sip into the top soil and sand as there is more air holes to allow water to go into it, thus we need to build the levee at section B first

Area for Further Research and Study:
Which soil is used for which plants?
A cactus should be grown on the sand, as the soil should be porous and spread over a deep layer, showing that it need that soil which allows the most water to pass through

Credits to:
Jiang Mohan(1I)- Brought some materials and carried out the experiments
Shu Hong(1I)- Helped Carry out the experiments
Kieren(1I)- In charge of the time and helped cleaning
Pierre(1I)-Helped in planning out the experiments
Sheng Feng(1I)-Brought some materials and helped in planning the experiments

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