Monday 10 February 2014

Memorable story

Last December,my family and I went to Hong Kong for a holiday.One of the places we went to was Oceanpark.However,after we took two rides, I started to have stomach flu and also started vomiting.Reluctanly,I had to leave the amusement park in pain.My brother was sad that we only manage to take two rides but he knew that I was in pain.This is one of the experiences that my family and I has experienced.

SEL worksheet


3 things I learnt from watching the video
1.I must always respect my parents 
2.I must be grateful to my parents for raising me
3.I must never be rude to my parents even if I am angry
2 things I will do in the near future 
1.I will provide for their daily needs 
2.I will let them stay with me
1 thing that I had done before shown in the video
1.I had disrespected my parents once before because I was in a bad mood that day

Tuesday 4 February 2014

How I made my parents tear.

My primary school gave all the primary six students a “感恩杯” on the graduation day.In English,the cup is called a “appreciation cup”.My school gave us that cup hoping that we would serve tea to our parents during Chinese New Year to show respect to our parents who have brought us up.That was what I did to make my parents tear.On the first day of Chinese New Year,I served Chinese tea to my parents with the appreciation cup.After both my parents drank the tea, they started to tear.That was how I made my parents tear.

Which is the lightest?

Which is the lightest?
Why:After comparing all the different liquids and wooden cubes,I came to the conclusion that Glycerine is the lightest liquid among all the three liquids.The wooden cube that is in the container containing Glycerine is floating the hightest.The higher the wooden cube floats,the lighter the liquid.That is how I came up with my answer.


In order for ships to journey across the open sea, they must withstand weight of the ship, along with the weight of the passengers. With a little help from the principles of density and buoyancy,ships can float on water  and sail the seas with ease.The ships float on the water because they weigh less than the water that they float on. As the  ships floats on the water, it is displacing the water around it ,hence allowing the ship to float on the water